MOPP Levels.
Standardized MOPP levels allow commanders to increase or decrease
levels of protection easily. Because the levels are standardized and
all soldiers understand them, commanders can order increased or
decreased protection without providing long explanations. The MOPP
system allows the commander to increase or decrease the protective
posture based on the threat, guidance from higher headquarters,
mission urgency, temperature, and the work rate. MOPP levels are
the soldier. Figure 2-1 shows the five standardized MOPP levels.
Figure 2-1.
MOPP Levels
A soldier's MOPP Gear consists of the overgarment, the mask and the
hood, the overboots, the protective gloves, and the individual decon
kit as well as detection equipment and antidotes.
Work Rate.
Work rate is a term that defines the energy used to perform a task.
Work rates fall into three categories -low, moderate, and heavy.
Examples of tasks at these work rates follow:
Low -- Motorized movement or clerical work.
Moderate -- Improvement of positions or reserve position
Heavy -- Infantry dismounted assault or forced march.