18A. If you choose to organize your information in a logical sequence, you
will start at a beginning point, follow a logical sequence, and end up
with a conclusion.
You may choose your logical sequence to follow a
sequence of tasks from easy-to-difficult, sequence of facts from
unknown-to-known, or reason out a problem using cause-to-effect or
effect-to-cause. Another way to organize information that could follow
some sort of order is by _____________________________sequence.
59A. Most major headquarters have an SOP for oral briefings.
These SOPs
reflect the desires of the commanding officer; thus, you can expect them
to vary from one unit to the next. Generally, they cover such matters
as the approval of outlines or manuscripts, responsibility for
facilities, style and type of visual aids, rehearsals, and presentation
If you were reprimanded because you did not get advanced
approval of your outline, what could you have read to prevent this and
why? ____________________