20A. Another way of keeping your students aware of the organization of your
explanation is to SEW up each main point before moving on to the next
one. You SEW up a main point by-
S--Stating the point or idea,
E--Expanding the point so it is more meaningful, and
W--Wrapping it up.
If your explanation consisted of five main points, you would SEW up
your main point ______________ time(s).
61A. The second step in preparing a briefing is selecting and organizing the
Earlier we described a briefing as a concise presentation of
facts whose purpose is to inform. Therefore, you would select only the
material that meets that criterion.
For example, you have been tasked
to brief the division commander on the battalion plan for a field
exercise that you will be conducting in 30 days. Which of the following
items would you include as content in your briefing?
a. Interesting events from last year's exercise.
b. Theory and importance of applicable training.
c. Training objectives of exercise.
e. Status of personnel and training.