21A. The following example SEWs up a main point.
a. Alaska is our largest state.
b. It has an area of 586,000 square miles.
It is big enough to hold
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana with enough room left over
for Maine and Rhode Island.
c. Alaska is so large that its citizens suffer claustrophobia when they
visit Texas.
Identify each element.
a. __________________________________.
b. __________________________________.
c. __________________________________.
62A. As illustrated in the preceding frame, your first concern in selecting
material is its pertinence.
You must also make sure the material is
accurate and factual.
Consider the following extract from a briefing:
"Sir, we expect to have from 400 to 500 men and from 40 to 50 tanks
involved in this exercise. I believe we are short a dozen or so tanks."
The briefer should have checked with the S1, S4, and maintenance officer
to make sure his information was _______________ and _________________ .