a. Prestrike and poststrike predictions provide a reasonable assurance that no significant hazard
will occur outside the predicted area, and if fallout results, a significant hazard will occur somewhere
inside the area. These predictions will not indicate the exact location or magnitude of the hazard within
the predicted area, but will provide the commander and staff with information from which to warn units
of possible hazards. With this information, the commander can consider the unit radiation history and
the impact of further exposure on unit combat effectiveness and mission accomplishment and make
plans to minimize or avoid undesirable effects.
b. Prestrike fallout predictions are used by the commander and staff in their estimates and
planning actions to prepare for contingency actions that will reduce the disruption caused by the fallout
hazards should it occur.
c. Poststrike fallout predictions warn the commander and staff of a hazard that is developing and
may be used to plan the movement of units to alternate positions. Operational moves will normally not
be executed based upon the poststrike prediction alone and will, where possible, be delayed until
monitoring or survey data are available. The poststrike prediction may be used to plan the detailed
collection effort, for obtaining monitoring data to prepare the radiological contamination overlay, as
prescribed by local standing operating procedure (SOP).
sufficiently detailed and reliable to allow estimation of the impact, which the contamination hazard
already present may have on mission and operations being conducted, and to select courses of action
that minimize or avoid the effects of the hazard.
e. An analysis of all enemy nuclear bursts that have occurred in the area of operations may
provide an indication of the types and yields of nuclear weapons available in the enemy stockpile and
the methods of delivery, and employment tactics.
10. Chemical Detection and Warning.
Information about chemical contamination and enemy attacks with chemical agents is collected and
forwarded in a manner similar to that for radiological information. Downwind vapor hazard warning are
prepared and disseminated, as are warning of areas known to be contaminated.