a. Fallout Prediction.
A fallout prediction indicated a general area in which militarily significant fallout is expected to occur.
The predicted area of fallout is larger than the actual area of the ground that will be covered by this
fallout. This represents an area of potential hazard. The occasions that require the preparation of
fallout predictions are:
For target analysis of friendly nuclear weapons when a surface burst is desired, when the
weapon system does not provide a 99% assurance of no militarily significant fallout, or when
a contact surface burst backup fuzing is to be used.
For a nuclear burst when postburst information indicates the probable or actual occurrence
of fallout.
b. Radiological Contamination Overlay.
Radiological contamination overlays indicate the contamination in areas of interest. The overlay is
based on measured dose rates and outlines of the known areas of contamination. Radiological
contamination overlays may vary from simplified to detailed type. When time or operational
requirements limit the flow of information in areas not controlled by friendly troops, simplified
commander. When time and operational limitations are less severe, the detailed contamination overlay
is prepared. Brief descriptions of both contamination overlays are:
(1) Simplified Radiological Contamination Overlay.
The simplified contamination overlay shows the general limits of the contamination and the minimum
dose rate information necessary to satisfy command requirements.
(2) Detailed Radiological Contamination Overlay.
The detailed contamination overlay defines the limits of the contamination more precisely than does the
simplified overlay. It shows dose rate contours. It may include such refinements as dose calculations
for critical crossing routes or points and lines indicating the time of completion of fallout at certain