Figure 2-7. North Korean NBC Concerns
3. Latin America.
In Latin America, Argentina and Brazil are advanced in nuclear technology. Both had "parallel" military
nuclear programs when each was under military rule. While neither country has adopted the Non-
proliferation Treaty, bilateral agreements for mutual inspection of nuclear facilities exist. Neither
country is now suspected of a nuclear weapons program, but technology transfer remains a concern.
In September 1992, Argentina confirmed the sale of a nuclear reactor to Egypt. Both Argentina and
Brazil have expressed interest in contracting Russian scientists to work in their countries. Argentina
seeks scientists for nuclear projects and Brazil for missiles.
In the newly industrialized countries, zoning and safety standards are poor or lacking. Incidents such
as the accident at Chernobyl, or the release of toxic gas at Bhopal, are constant concerns.
Moreover, insurgents and terrorist groups can acquire or produce materials for chemical and biological
weapons. Many CB agents can be manufactured in school laboratories or in labs used for