Step 3.
Watch the calibrated scale of the
dosimeter. Turn the
charging knob clockwise until the
dosimeter reading is
zero (indicating fiber on 0). If
the indicating fiber
goes to the left of 0, rotate the
charging knob
counterclockwise until you obtain
a zero reading on
calibrated scale, (Figure 5-9).
Step 4.
Look into the viewing end of the dosimeter and observe
the calibrated scale. If you can see the indicating
fiber, charge the dosimeter as in Step 3. If you
cannot see the indicating fiber, proceed as follows:
Rotate the charging knob clockwise five full
revolutions. Then observe whether the indicating
fiber is visible. If you can see the indicating
fiber, charge the dosimeter as in Step 3.
If you still cannot see the indicating fiber, rotate
the charging knob counterclockwise five full
revolutions. Then observe whether the indicating
fiber has appeared. If you can see the indicating
fiber, charge as in Step 3.
If you still cannot see the indicating fiber, rotate
the charging knob counterclockwise an additional five
revolutions and again observe whether the indicating
fiber has appeared. If the indicating fiber is
visible, charge the dosimeter as in Step 3. If the
indicating fiber is not visible, the dosimeter or the
charger is defective.
c. Procedures for Checking Leakage.
Install the dosimeter on the charger and watch the indicating fiber
closely. The permissible leakage discharge rate is too slow to be
seen on the dosimeter's calibrated scale. If the indicating fiber can
be seen to move up scale, either the dosimeter or the charger is dirty
or defective, (Figure 5-9).
Proceed as follows:
Step 1.
Remove the dosimeter from the charging pedestal and
observe the reading on the dosimeter calibrated scale.