Ensure the dosimeter base and cover are clean, dry, and
undamaged before reassembling. Notify your supervisor if
dirt or damage is detected.
Step 11. With the straps folded backward and using the fittings
as finger holds, immediately screw the dosimeter cover
clockwise onto the dosimeter base, applying some
downward pressure. Tighten cover by rotating it
approximately 1/8 turn past the point at which
Step 12. Remove the dosimeter from the base of the drawer.
Step 13. Repeat steps 3 through 12 for all
dosimeters to be
read. When the last reading has been taken, proceed to
postoperational procedures.
e. Read Accumulated Dose from the AN/PDR-75.
The accumulated dose is the amount of radiation previously received.
Check this dose before and after operations. Record the dose shown on
the digital panel meter.
f. Performing Postoperational Procedures.
In performing postoperational procedures, follow these steps:
Step 1.
Ensure that the final dosimeter has been removed from
the base of the drawer.
Step 2.
Lower the drawer cover and close the drawer.
Step 3.
Lower block (4) and tighten the screw (5) as necessary
to hold the drawer in the closed position, (Figure 5-
Step 4.
Set the selector switch (1), (Figure 5-27) to the OFF
position .
Step 5.
Turn the display (18) and lamp (19) controls completely
counterclockwise, (Figure 5-26).
Step 6.
from the PLA plug, (17) and replace the cap (16),
(Figure 5-26).