b. Agents ARE PRESENT if color indications on the sampler appear
as follow:
Lewisite is present if the rub mark on the Lewisite
Marking Tab turns olive green.
turns purple/blue or-red/purple.
A Blood Agent is present if the Blood Agent test spot
turns pink or blue.
A Nerve Agent is present if the Nerve Agent test spot is
colorless or peach-colored.
c. Agents are NOT PRESENT if color indications on the sampler
appear as follow:
Lewisite is not present if the rub mark on the Lewisite
Marking Tab turns tan.
spot is colorless.
Blood Agent is not present if the Blood Agent test spot
is colorless or tan.
Nerve Agent is not present if the Nerve Agent test spot
turns blue or darker.
Test for Toxic Agent Vapors Above Suspected Surfaces.
The test for toxic agent vapors can be performed using one of two
different methods. The preferred method is to expose the sampler
underneath an empty box or can, which has been placed open-end down
over the suspected contaminated area. The second method is to place
an activated sampler directly over the suspected area.
When no can or box is available, the normal sampler procedure is used
with one exception-you lay the sampler with the instruction side up on
top of the suspected area.
a. Procedure for Testing for Blood Agents.
Obtain an empty box or can.
Save pads under heater ampoules.