Hold your salute until the bandmaster SALUTES you.
Band commander:
Return the drum major's salute and state, "TAKE YOUR POST."
Drum major:
Do a RIGHT FACE. MARCH to a point two steps past the right flank file and HALT.
Do a RIGHT FACE. MARCH to a point on line with the first rank, HALT and FACE ABOUT.
NOTE: Use the same procedure to align the band at close interval, but take only one 30-inch step between
The following items will test your understanding of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one
correct answer for each item. When you have completed the exercise, check your answers with the answer
key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly, review that part of the lesson which contains the portion
Where should Sousaphones (tubas) be placed in a marching formation?
A. Where their sound best projects to the audience
B. Where they can easily execute countermarches
C. Where they look best with the low brass section
D. Where bells will not obstruct a bandmembers view of the conductor
Where is the band commander's position when receiving the band from the drum major?
A. Sixty inches to the right of the first rank of the band
B. Four steps in front of the first rank
C. Four steps in front of the drum major
D. One step for each file in the band minus one step in front of the drum major
Where is the drum major's marching position at the front of the band?
A. Five steps in front of the first rank in a five man front
B. One step less than the number of files in front of the first rank
C. Centered between the files of the band