NCO Primary Leadership Subjects
Record Facts, Concepts, and Ideas
When you have bibliography cards for all your references, begin to read and note
relevant information. Be prepared to cite the authority supporting each fact in your
final paper.
Read references once to get a general sense of their content. Don't attempt to take
Read references
notes the first time through, but tag (with paper clips or stick-on notes) items that
appear to apply to your subject. Although you may be interested in only a portion of
the document, look over the rest of it to see how your portion fits in to the overall
writing. You may miss an important meaning or limitation if you look at only a
portion of the reference.
Reread the references that you marked the first time through. Make notes to record
Record relevant
facts and important ideas or concepts.
If you take only a few short notes, use the back of the applicable bibliography card
Using note
for each reference.
The following guidelines will help your note taking:
Taking notes
Notes may be easily organized in
Limit each card to a major
a logical sequence by subject
Label each note with the topic
to which it applies.
Make a separate note for
each source of information on
the same topic.
You will capture your own ideas
Make notes of your own ideas
on the topic.
when they occur to you.
Label them as yours and
classify them under the same
topic as other related notes.
Reduces the quantity and length
Rather than copy an author's
words, condense the thoughts
of notes and avoids copying a
and translate them into your
mass of unrelated material.
own words.
Identify sections to be quoted
with brief descriptions of what
they say.