The biological contamination marker (Figure 3-7) is a triangle that is
blue on both sides. The letters BIO in red, 5-centimeter (2-inch),
block letters (fluorescent paint if available) appear on the front
side of the marker (facing away from the contamination). The soldier
placing the marker also places the name of the agent, if known, and
the date and time of detection on the front of the marker at the time
of emplacement.
Figure 3-7.
c. Radiological Contamination Marker.
The standard NATO radiological contamination marker (Figure 3-8) is a
triangle that is white on both sides. The word ATOM in black, 5-
centimeter (2-inch), block letters appears on the front side of the
marker (facing away from the contamination). The soldier placing the
marker also places the dose rate, the date and time of the reading,
and the date and time of the burst, if known, on the front of the
marker at the time of emplacement.
Figure 3-8.