Figure 2-3. Areas of Interest.
Named areas of interest (NAI), routes or avenues of approach, direction of enemy
movement, and specific enemy units may combine to define an area of interest. They
also focus intelligence collection or fires during battle. Corps or division may
restrict the fires of adjacent or subordinate units, and USAF operations by
designating ho-fire areas. Close coordination between corps and their divisions
assures their deep operations plans complement but do not duplicate each other.
The corps' area of interest includes divisional areas of interest just as the
divisions area of interest overlaps those of its brigades. Each command level
fights its deep operations simultaneously, and in many instances, enemy units will
concern both superior and subordinate commanders. Commanders may restrict the
engagement of particular forces of physical targets in a subordinate element's area
of operations.
In some cases, corps may choose to limit its divisions' deep operations
responsibilities and engage deep regiments itself. Normally, however, corps will
expect divisions to fight the defense in depth and will
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