Doctrinal templates portray enemy OB into graphic form. They portray how the enemy
would deploy based on his doctrine if not constrained by weather and terrain.
When the threat data base has been developed and evaluated, the G2 and the analysts
in the ASPS must determine what doctrinal templates will be required. Templates
are limited to those deemed essential. This restriction is critical as long as
manual preparation and storage of templates are required. In the future,
automation may provide the capability to maintain a greater number of templates.
Since all possible situations cannot be predicted, IPB analysts will require
several doctrinal templates.
Commanders are interested in enemy commands one level above their own, since that
is the echelon that directs the battle against them. Figure 4-2 illustrates the
corps' and division commanders' interest in threat command echelons.
Figure 4-2.
Corps, division and brigade echelons of interest.
The use of the one up and two down formula may result in an unmanageable volume of
templates. To overcome this problem, automation and the commander's initial
interest in threat evaluation determines that his attention be concentrated on the
enemy element that poses the greatest threat to the accomplishment of his mission.
IT 0462