a. An oral informal complaint of discrimination alleging that a specific act of discrimination has
occurred personally to the individual.
b. A formal complaint of discrimination will be in writing and will spell out in clear language the
alleged specific act(s) of discrimination that has occurred personally to the individual.
DISPARATE EFFECT (OR IMPACT): Someone (or a group) is treated the same as someone else;
however, the effect of that treatment is unequal.
DISPARATE TREATMENT: Treating a person or group of persons different than other persons or
groups of persons. Likewise, treating persons similarly situated differently.
DISPLACEMENT: Discharging emotions about one person to a different, less threatening person.
ECONOMIZING PHENOMENON: The mind's ability to take in new information and combine with
old information and formulate new ideas through deduction.
EEO INVESTIGATOR: A person appointed to investigate individual complaints of discrimination who
is not occupying a position directly or indirectly under the jurisdiction of the commander of the
organization in which the complaint arose.
a. Activity Level -- (EEOOA and Assistant EEOOA): Official appointed by the activity commander to
develop and maintain an affirmative action program at base or activity level.
b. Command Level -- (EEOOC and Assistant EEOOC): Official appointed by the commander of major
command (MACOM) to coordinate the affirmative action program at base or activity level.
EGO DEFENSE MECHANISMS: Mental devices used unconsciously by all of us when our self-image
or personality organization is threatened by our own emotions or by our interaction with others.
EMINENT DOMAIN: the right of the government to take or to authorize the taking of property for
public use.