EXTENDED FAMILY: A family in which two or more lineally related kinsfolk...., their spouses and
offspring, are jointly subject to the same authority or single head. They usually live closely together and
engage in common activities. (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences)
FAMILIARIZATION: The playing out of sexist behavior resulting from sex discrimination, such as
first names, names of endearment and touching.
FATALISM: A doctrine that events are fixed in advance for all time in such a manner that human
beings are powerless to change them. (Webster)
FEDERAL WOMEN'S PROGRAM (FWP): An integral part of EEO, this program is designed to
guarantee women equal consideration for employment and advancement through the elimination of
vestiges of discrimination because of sex.
FEEDBACK: A verbal or nonverbal or message to a person or group providing information about the
affect of the person's or group's behavior.
FEMINISM: A doctrine which advocates the granting of the same social, political, and economic rights
to women as those granted to men.
FOB: "Fresh Off the Boat;" a derisive term denoting those from the Far East with heavy accents.
GEISHA: A Japanese professional singing and dancing girl.
GENRO: A Japanese, an elder states person.
GIRI: A Japanese word relating to role position, with a connotation of moral obligation or duty to family
and community.
GOAL: A realistic, attainable objective or planning target that units strive to obtain.
GOOK: A term of derogation applied, often by service persons, to Asians.
HALO EFFECT: Judging someone favorably initially and subsequently due to initial actions.
HI-GE: Japanese tradition which holds that self praise or praise of family in public is in bad taste.