PAPA-SAN: Japanese head of a household.
PAST-IN-PRESENT DISCRIMINATION: "Those fair-in-form or neutral practices in an institutional
area which inevitably reflect or perpetuate the effects of intentionally discriminatory practices in the past
in that same institutional area."
PERCEPTION: The process of obtaining information about the world through the senses.
PERFORMING GROUP FUNCTIONS: Serving as a role model for task and maintenance functions
within the group.
PERSONAL DISCRIMINATION: The action taken by an individual to deprive a person or group of a
right because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or age. (AFR 30-2)
PERSUASION: One means of influence (does not include coercion, force, or threats, but only the
consideration of the sender and message at face value). A process designed to produce desired reactions
in the intended receivers.
PIG TRADE: The commerce in Chinese laborers bound for America in which the workers often faced
conditions similar to those found by the black slaves in the middle passage of the slave trade.
PINCH POINT: An internal signal that something in a relationship has changed or is about to change
should current behaviors continue unchecked; a "sense" of something to come.
POGROM: An organized massacre of helpless people with the active or passive assistance of
governmental authority. The term specifically refers to massacres of Jews. (Handlin)
POWER: The potential ability a person in a relationship has to influence the other member of that
relationship psychologically and/or behaviorally. (French and Raven)
PREJUDICE: An antipathy (i.e., a negative feeling) based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization.
It may be felt or expressed. It may be directed toward a group as a whole, or toward an individual
because he (or she) is a member of that group. (All port)
PROCESSING: Processing is that activity which aids the participants in a structured experience to
extract learning from their experience. An important point is that the focus of "PROCESSING" is on
those behaviors of significance to the student - not those important to the instructor.