PSYCHOLOGICAL INVISIBILITY: Depending on the situation and relationship of interact ants,
discounting the existence of women, minorities and other people/groups in the unit.
QUEUE: The "pigtail" which Chinese wore prior to 1911 as a symbol of bondage to the Chinese
Manchu dynasty.
QUOTA: A definite number, proportion, or range required of all subordinate units.
RACE: A division of no mankind possessing physical traits that are transmissible by descent and
sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type. Has no intrinsic connection with cultural pattern or
institutions. (Gordon)
RACIAL STEREOTYPE: An over-generalization associated with a racial category that goes beyond
existing evidence. (Feagin)
RACISM: The transformation by individuals and institutions/organizations of prejudice based on race
through the exercise of authority against another person or group defined as inferior with the intentional
or unintentional support of the culture. (Jones)
RACIST: A person practicing hatred or intolerance toward others based on the belief that skin color
equals culture and that others are inherently inferior.
RATIONALIZATION: Finding logical, acceptable reasons for some unacceptable/behavior.
REACTION-FORMATION: Development jot an attitude opposite to one's thoughts in an attempt to
control the thoughts and not be aware of them.
REACTIVE RACISM: A term coined to suggest cause and effect. It presupposes that "Red racism"
(yellow or any other) exists because of the effects of White racism (racism of the controlling majority).
It is a defensive reaction used to counteract White racism.
REFERENT POWER: Referent power is charismatic power. The basis of referent power is the
identification and/or the affection the subordinate has for the supervisor.
RESERVATION: An area designated by the Federal Government set aside for exclusive use by
members of a particular Indian Nation. Although the reservation population might seem equivalent to a
single society composed of a single Indian people, sharing a common language and sharing many traits,
to the inhabitants themselves, there is no such unity, since they are first and foremost members of bands
of kith and kin. Thus, although reservations may include peoples who share many cultural traits, they
must be understood as having a heterogeneous grouping of bands.