REVERSE DISCRIMINATION: A term generally used by opponents of affirmative action to indicate
situations in which the victims and the beneficiaries of discrimination have been reserved. The term
erroneously equates efforts to dismantle the process of discrimination with that process itself. In other
words, you can't have reverse discrimination without admitting discrimination process occurring.
SEGREGATION: The act of separating and isolating members of a racial/gender/ethnic group from the
main body of society.
SELF-CONCEPT: The totality of the individual's thoughts and feelings having reference to him or
herself as an object. (Rosenberg)
SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY (SFP): A person generating behavior in another person by his/her
SET OF VALUES: A group of internalized concepts adopted by an individual or society influencing the
behavior of the individual or members of the society often without the conscious awareness of the
members of that society.
SEXISM: The transformation by individuals and institutions/organizations of prejudice based on sex
through the exercise of power and authority against another person or group defined as inferior with the
intentional or unintentional support of the culture. (EOMI, adapted from Jones)
SEXIST: A person practicing hatred or intolerance towards the opposite sex and/or the belief that the
opposite sex is inherently inferior in one or more aspects (mental, biological, etc.).
SEX ROLE SOCIALIZATION: A process by which males and females learn to display behavior which
is considered by the general population in their society to be appropriate. (For example, women in some
Oriental cultures are considered subservient to males, walking behind them and eating after the males
have eaten.)
SEX ROLE STATIC: The everyday, customary, taken-for-granted remarks and/or actions based on
male or female stereotype. It is usually unthinking, undirected.