different Indian roles to exist with the commonalities of the land, the identity, the isolation, and the BIA
as shared parts of the existence.
TREATY: A treaty is a formal agreement made between two or more sovereign, independent nations
for the purposes of securing peace, making land boundaries, or establishing clear passage. This is the
context as used with Indians. It must be ratified by two-thirds of the US Senate.
TRIBE: Tribe generally refers to a group which is part of a larger group called a nation. Traditionally,
it is the smallest communal group to which an Indian family belongs. Trikes must live within the
UNIVERSALISM: This viewpoint implies that social problems are a part of the social fabric of the
VALUE: Something important in human existence.
VALUE SYSTEM: A set of values adopted by an individual or society influencing the behavior of the
individual or members of the society, often, without the conscious awareness of the members of that
VICTIM FOCUS (BLAMING THE VICTIM): A set of ideas and concepts deriving from
systematically motivated, but unintended distortions of reality (Ryan).
WAR BRIDES: Brides brought by American soldiers from abroad.
WHITE ETHNIC IMMIGRANTS: Although all whites were originally immigrants to this country, this
term will apply only to those ethnic Whites who first came to the US in large numbers after 1940.
WHITE, NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of
Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East but is non-Hispanic (see Hispanic). (US Dept of Commerce
Directive No. 15, as applied when a combined format is used to collect racial and ethnic data.)
WHITE SUPREMACY: The doctrine that whites, especially Anglo-Saxons, are superior to all other
groups on the basis of ethnic heritage alone. Some of the attitude of this doctrine may be seen in a
portion from Cultural Pluralism and the American Idea, by Horace M. Kellen... "we protect ourselves
by ostracizing that (which is) different, sometimes by coercing, indenturing or enslaving it, sometimes
by liquidating it. ...We... are alone the right ones, the true,